According to the alien Ummites, all organisms with intelligence in the universe have 'That world'. Then, how Ummites could discover the existence of 'That world' and the theory about the mechanism of telepathy?
An Ummite says an experimental subject (person) was a girl with a 15-year-old. She killed her sister by electric shock and her right was extinguished because of this crime. To perform the experiment, researchers leave her functioning nerves, physical activity, and, awareness in order with minimum partial anesthesia. After that, her brain was deeply researched, neuron by neuron and atom by atom, inserting a probe into her brain.
When its analysis reached the hypothalamus (read below), the existence of the rare gas, namely, krypton atoms were discovered in the space of the third ventricle (read below) in the brain. With this discovered, the researchers thought that 'atomic electron transition (quantum leap)' (read below) of the krypton atoms might occur and, there might be energy exchange between neighboring atoms for it. After its studying, they confirmed such speculations.
Third ventricle
Atomic electron transition
According to the physical theory, ‘Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle' (read below), it should occur randomly, however, it didn’t. The electrons of the krypton atoms in the hypothalamus move synchronized and, there was obvious synchronization with a brain’s pulse wave that the girl generated.
Uncertainty Principle
Soon after this confirmation, the researchers' understanding was that its coded movements came from an influence of nerve impulses of the brain. But after that, they proved that this ‘atomic electron transition’, which is perfectly synchronized, in fact, anticipated about one microsecond than a conscious activity of the Ummites. This means the electron movements of the krypton atom are ordering activities of the Ummites.
Moreover, this phenomenon occurs only for organisms with intelligence, but about other animals, any code or any principle wasn’t detected, except movements are subordinate to the common probabilistic functional of all atoms of nature. The researchers could not find out a similar phenomenon for animals.
After this long research, finally, Ummites discovered that a part of the krypton atoms acts as a receiver. It means that they detected controlled ‘atomic electron transitions’, which occur before a conscious action, has a function as a receiver. Moreover, they discovered not only the exact role of the rare gas (krypton atoms) in the cerebral cortex. but discovered also, for example, millions of helium atoms are involved in this phenomenon.
All images made from outside world information, which are caught by the sensory system connected to neurons, such as visual system, auditory system, olfactory system, etc., all its images and mind development information are found in the neuron networking. In there, quantum status in the network of free electrons of helium atoms changes, radiating its heat by chemical heat reaction. This means that a kind of digital signal occurs and it’s transmitted to helium atoms.
Then resonance phenomenon between electrons in the orbit of helium atoms and electrons in the orbit of krypton atoms occurs and, codes (digital signals) received by its krypton atoms transform different codes that a person’s soul could understand. From there, a certain nervous system that the humans still do not discover [Note] works like a thermocouple (read below) and, the codes become arranged and inducted nerve impulse (read below) by a neuron (read below) network. This nervous system is in the motor cortex of the frontal lobe (read below).
Nerve impulse
Frontal lobe
Note: This article is about the brain of the Ummites. The structure of the brain of the Ummites must be different from the human brain. Thus, such a system wouldn’t exist in the human brain.
After that, Ummites discovered that krypton atoms in the hypothalamus work differently from the other krypton atoms. It means that these atoms synchronize against every Ummites. In other words, all Ummites receive or transmit the same information (signals).
No matter how far apart two persons of the Ummites, They receive its information (messages) at the same time and transmit at the same time. It’s really communication of telepathy. Even if some mechanism works to interfere with it, i.e. even if an outsider jams its communication, the messages (signals) are received without a problem.
In addition, I’m a new human who has telepathy ability but only for receiving so far, so I receive information from the Ummites through telepathy. Telepathy is not used only by persons of the same evolved species (organisms with intelligence), but it’s used also by persons of different species (aliens). Moreover, messages (orders) such as all Ummites receive at the same time come from ‘That world’. Even if Ummites don’t communicate consciously through telepathy, all Ummites receive messages from ‘That world’ at the same time.
Incidentally, there is a very interesting article related to this theory. Its book is ‘Mind Time'. The author is a scientist Benjamin Libet in the field of the human consciousness. He wrote this book claiming the human own consciousness is not working on the activity, or rather, he found that our perception takes 0.5 seconds after the event, even though our action occurs before it. onepage # v & q = & f = false
Mind Time: the temporal factor in consciousness
In chapter ‘3 UNCONSCIOUS AND CONSCIOUS MENTAL FUNCTIONS’ of the page above explains that after appearing a child in front of a car, the driver slams on the brakes (after 0.15 seconds) before being convinced of danger ahead (0.5 seconds after). It means that human action occurs (before 0.35 seconds) unconsciously, it’s not by the intention itself.
In the future, if our scientists could discover krypton atoms in the space of the third ventricle of the human brain, it would be important evidence to prove this theory of the Ummites.
The following is another interesting article (added on May 31, 2011).
Brain Scanners Can See Your Decision Before You Make Them
Returning to the topic, a kind of these messages is stored in the memory, but it’s not easy to access them because it’s unconscious. It could be accessed only during, for example, sleep, general anesthesia, or catalepsy (read below).
The death occurs in instant as a result of collapses of the network of the krypton atoms. However, the soul-image of the Ummites (an organism with intelligence) died exists being incorporated in the huge soul neuron (‘Network of the soul’) of ‘That world’. See the image below.

Read also the original texts of the letters from the Ummites below. However, these texts are included different information, compared in this post because of the different sources of the information.
Uncertainty and free will
The global collective soul
Uncertainty and free will
The global collective soul
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