Monday, January 7, 2013

What does ‘Countless universes’ mean?

Even though I already revealed regarding the true structure of the universe in the post, ‘“God particle” is only a state of “Superball”’, some unclear points such as ‘10 dimensions and twin' ‘Countless universes’ mentioned in ‘Letters from the alien Ummites’ still remain.

Then what do the ‘Countless universes’ mean? This time let me answer this question. I argued who created the universe was crowded consciousness of whole ‘organism with intelligence’ (‘That world’ is its part) in the universe (read ‘God does not exist because we are God’. The overall crowded consciousness of whole ‘diversity species groups’ created the universe, according to Ummites.

Despite its groups sharing the same universe, their group’ 
‘That world’ created stories of the universe differently from each other such as the difference between humans and Ummites. According to human’s standard cosmology, the universe began with a phenomenon so-called Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago, but Ummites argue that it occurred just about 100 thousand years ago.

Anyway, firstly I need to change the figure of the twin universe in the post ‘UFO Technology of the Ummites -8’ to the conceptual figure below for explaining the meaning above. According to this figure, the universe is constructed with diversity specie group’s universes, namely, crowded consciousness of OWI (‘organism with intelligence’) and with consciousness of individual OWI inside those group’s universes.

On the other hand, we observe the universe using our sensory system, but in fact, it’s mere illusion (read ‘We are not made of matter’). Additionally, civilizations, politics, economics, science, technology, and so on are illusions also.

‘Human’s universe’ includes approximately 7 billion individual humans' universes and ' of the humans and, overall other ‘Universes of other species’ includes individual OWI’s universes and 
‘That world’

 too. This fact is exactly the reason for the phrase ‘Countless universes’.

Now your consciousness is one of such universes. Overall other universes except yours would be ‘Parallel Worlds’ or ‘Parallel Universes’ for you. Inside of these universes, for example, your universe history would be different from the other universes, or different events might happen to each other, and so on. So the ‘Parallel Worlds’ are not Sci-Fi stories. Read below.

If there would be a trillion of OWI in the ‘Universe’ of the figure, there should be a trillion of their own universes. However, these universes must dwindle. It’s an evolution process.

Let’s think about private human life. A strong intention of a person still alive could change his own universe, but he couldn’t change other person’s universes (‘Parallel Worlds’ for him). So someday, such different stories dwindle and finally, just one unique universe could remain due to gradually extinction (death) of the persons (consciousness) or, due to reduction of the individual universes (consciousness) as a result of its fusions, occur after ‘conflicts of consciousness between the persons.

This process applies equally to between different species groups (‘Universes of other species’) such as between humans and Ummites, namely, just one unique species with just one unique consciousness remains after the extinction of the species groups or, the process would be occurred by fusions process of specie groups too, for example, Ummites desire it for their next evolution avoiding his extinction.

Well readers, the theory above of the Ummites is suggesting a very important issue for humans. It is that the humans' consciousness finally must be fused – whether you can accept it or not. Conceptions such as individual, ego, and something like that, we respect it, must be extinct, of course, such as rights as human rights, liberty, fraternity, and principles couldn’t survive.

After writing up this post, the intention of the Ummites became clearer for me. My conclusion is the same as before. The intervention way of the Ummites must be wrong, which means, it’s unfair that a superior species group such as Ummites co-opt humans due to having higher advanced technology because he evolved earlier accidentally than humans.

In fact, despite Ummites are giving me the chance to the counterarguments like this opportunity, I always feel that Ummites continue to control me, and my internet access is restrained unnecessarily. Ummites with a ‘Group-oriented culture of insects’ (read ‘Alien Ummites are invaders’) might not have experience of the democracy of humans – even though it’s a swindle in fact – and respect for individual freedom without causing social conflict, in my idea.

I don’t think the evolution could be achieved by that the superior someone dominates others with his technology power. I feel obviously an arrogance of the Ummites in the position of superiority. This is exactly the ‘conflicts of consciousness’ mentioned above between humans and Ummites.

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