Higgs boson
In fact, the physical Lederman gave the Higgs boson a nickname ‘God Particle’ in his book because he thought it is crucial to understand the structure of matter. But many scientists don’t like it because they thought it’s exaggerated. Read ‘In mainstream’ of ‘Higgs boson’ for more information.
I'm sure that the Higgs boson has no relationship for knowing the origin of the universe, even if the scientists could prove that it’s true Higgs boson in the future. The major media are just practicing mind control, as always.
First of all, ‘Standard Model’ of particle physics claims that it has 61 elementary particles (fermions and bosons including the Higgs boson). However, actually, such particles have never existed in the universe. It’s a mere illusion of the scientists. Even the atoms are illusions too because the universe, in fact, is created by the crowded consciousness of every organism with intelligence included humans without matter (particles).
Read ‘Why is the standard cosmological model wrong? – Consciousness created the universe’. This ‘Superball’ theory is a model (illusion), which is figured out for explaining ‘Twin universe with 10 dimensions'.
Well, let me reveal 'Superball theory' – the theory of the Ummites (alien) – instead of the Standard Model to understand the reason above.
We can understand everyday events in the perception since their births and with its common physical knowledge, without much difficulty if it happens in reality in four dimensions. However, we could not understand with such common sense if we try to understand a smaller world than an atom.
This means that we have to understand some ‘Quantum mechanics (physics)’. So you may need to study their suitable articles, before reading my explanation below.
I obtained a basic idea to understand this theory from ‘Superballs and Superstrings’ but I cannot understand its detail so that it seems to have many contradictions to explain the theory, so I’ll reveal my original idea instead of it
According to my understanding of the Superball theory (although my understanding is very limited), the universe and all things are made from and are filled with superballs. Thus the universe is not filled with the dark matter as the standard cosmological model alleges.
Superball literally can change to everything, i.e., it could change to the photon, could be quantum and electron (particle states), and could change to the elementary particles above. Furthermore, it can also change to any electromagnetic radiation (wave state) such as micro-wave. Obviously, it could change to the God particle, if it would exist.
Superball is a model of a ball – this is a source of a matter, antimatter, wave, and photon – without thickness and substance. Everything including space in the universe is filled with superballs without gaps. Therefore movements and collisions of particles, such as CERN argue, never happen.
We understand that everything in the universe exists in Euclidean space with three dimensions (x, y, and z). However, the true universe is formed by the three-dimensions (x, y, and z) with matter (our universe), by three dimensions (nx, by, and nz) without matter (non-matter universe), and by three dimensions (ax, ay, and az) with antimatter (the other universe). See drawing below

Thus, the sum of the true universe’s dimensions includes the temporal dimension is 10 (read 'UFO Technology of the Ummites -8') and there are three universes, not only twin universe as previous posts revealed. Incidentally, Superstring theory requires 9+1 dimensions without knowing the reason why our universe has no more than 3+1 dimensions (read below).
Why Does Our Universe Have Three Dimensions?
Superball spins and the point of superball traces the sine wave (see drawing below) along with the rotary movement in the space of two dimensions (x and y). It means that a state of superball is constantly changing. When the point of superball is at the peak of sine wave, superball becomes a particle (matter) and, when it’s at bottom of sine wave, superball becomes an antiparticle (antimatter). If it intersects with axis x, superball is at the non-matter universe as light. While it’s in other positions of sine wave, superball becomes wave status (invisible).
Visible movements of objects in our world and in the universe are similar to the mechanism of TV/computer monitors. Although images on the screen move, 'Pixel (the smallest element in a digital image)' positions, which means, superball positions in this case, never change.
Therefore the movements of the particles in the CERN’s LHC above are illusions. Scientists confuse a particle 'collided' (actually it’s not collision) was the same that they have launched and accelerated in the LHC tunnel. In fact, scientists have just discovered another particle accidentally after collision illusory.
Then, why do the scientists think there’s such collusion? The reason is that they mistake between particle (or proton) beam collisions – this ‘particle beam collision’ is only an illusion, which is created by the human’s crowded consciousness, which means that it’s like a mere image appeared on a computer monitor – for particle collisions merely despite it has never occurred.
With the above consideration, superball should be going and coming repeatedly between the three universes with 10 dimensions. If this idea is correct, now you could understand the ‘Warp Drive’ mechanism described in 'UFO Technology of the Ummites -8' because when a superball disappears in our universe, it automatically appears in the other universe.
Moreover, we could understand why the ship (UFO) should rotate to generate the magnetic field due to turning every particle in just one direction (read 'UFO Technology of the Ummites -9'). Otherwise, superballs’ disunities could occur, i.e., the ship with crews would change to something different, which is made from mixed superballs between states of particles, antiparticles, and waves when its materialization occurs. This would result in the disaster written in the post.
Probably you know about Philadelphia Experiment (read below). This experiment and disaster must be true, because the destroyer Eldridge might go into the other universe of the twin universe and might come back here, of course, without the procedure to unify superball’s rotation of the vessel to a single direction.
Philadelphia Experiment
Physic says the light has dual behavior – particle and wave (read below). Now you could know this reason. When the state of the photon, i.e., the point of superball is at the peak of the sine wave, it behaves as a particle. And when it’s at the middle area of the sine wave, it behaves as a wave. According to the superball theory, the light (photon) belongs to the non-matter universe. So light has no mass.
The double-slit experiment
There is Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (read below). Why does this phenomenon happen? Because an electron (superball) never moves as I’ve argued it in the prior posting. Furthermore, it’s almost impossible that an observer finds out the ‘moved’ same electron because this particle status changes instantaneously and constantly – it might change to a wave state (invisible).
Uncertainty principle
Now, I can finally say that the existence of 'God particle' is fundamentalism of religion for the standard cosmological model’s advocates, and this research generates a big economic effect – CERN's annual budget of around one billion Swiss francs (US$ 1.15 billion) – for scientists, besides gaining fame and swindle Nobel Prize. It means this is an economic benefit rather than a scientific interest for the scientists.
Symphony of Science - 'The Big Beginning'
There are other facts about the true motives of CERN’s LHC. The reasons are for antimatter production, which the movie, 'Angels and Demons' showed, and the development of high-power-directed energy weapons such as ray guns (Read below).
Directed-energy weapon
In addition, the accelerated particle beam collisions by the LHC don’t make antimatter as the movie above showed. Only the powerful electromagnetic acceleration system (magnetic field generator) installed in the LHC can make it.
You need to refer to the incident of the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ for understanding it. The destroyer Eldridge might change to antimatter due to being exposed to a strong electromagnetic field that the large tesla coil generates and might go into the other universe. Moreover, antimatter can generate strong light but it has no capability to explode as this blog’s posts have argued. I’ve been deceived by the disinformation.
However, swindle Ummites argued that the LHC is a serious threat for humans. If this isn’t false, what threatens us must be the electromagnetic acceleration system of the LHC. Imagine the incident of Eldridge. We should stop this giant useless piece of junk immediately.
See also the symbol ('CERN' in circles is 666) and the objects of CERN below.
Therefore the movements of the particles in the CERN’s LHC above are illusions. Scientists confuse a particle 'collided' (actually it’s not collision) was the same that they have launched and accelerated in the LHC tunnel. In fact, scientists have just discovered another particle accidentally after collision illusory.
Then, why do the scientists think there’s such collusion? The reason is that they mistake between particle (or proton) beam collisions – this ‘particle beam collision’ is only an illusion, which is created by the human’s crowded consciousness, which means that it’s like a mere image appeared on a computer monitor – for particle collisions merely despite it has never occurred.
With the above consideration, superball should be going and coming repeatedly between the three universes with 10 dimensions. If this idea is correct, now you could understand the ‘Warp Drive’ mechanism described in 'UFO Technology of the Ummites -8' because when a superball disappears in our universe, it automatically appears in the other universe.
Moreover, we could understand why the ship (UFO) should rotate to generate the magnetic field due to turning every particle in just one direction (read 'UFO Technology of the Ummites -9'). Otherwise, superballs’ disunities could occur, i.e., the ship with crews would change to something different, which is made from mixed superballs between states of particles, antiparticles, and waves when its materialization occurs. This would result in the disaster written in the post.
Probably you know about Philadelphia Experiment (read below). This experiment and disaster must be true, because the destroyer Eldridge might go into the other universe of the twin universe and might come back here, of course, without the procedure to unify superball’s rotation of the vessel to a single direction.
Philadelphia Experiment
Physic says the light has dual behavior – particle and wave (read below). Now you could know this reason. When the state of the photon, i.e., the point of superball is at the peak of the sine wave, it behaves as a particle. And when it’s at the middle area of the sine wave, it behaves as a wave. According to the superball theory, the light (photon) belongs to the non-matter universe. So light has no mass.
The double-slit experiment
There is Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (read below). Why does this phenomenon happen? Because an electron (superball) never moves as I’ve argued it in the prior posting. Furthermore, it’s almost impossible that an observer finds out the ‘moved’ same electron because this particle status changes instantaneously and constantly – it might change to a wave state (invisible).
Uncertainty principle
Now, I can finally say that the existence of 'God particle' is fundamentalism of religion for the standard cosmological model’s advocates, and this research generates a big economic effect – CERN's annual budget of around one billion Swiss francs (US$ 1.15 billion) – for scientists, besides gaining fame and swindle Nobel Prize. It means this is an economic benefit rather than a scientific interest for the scientists.
Symphony of Science - 'The Big Beginning'
There are other facts about the true motives of CERN’s LHC. The reasons are for antimatter production, which the movie, 'Angels and Demons' showed, and the development of high-power-directed energy weapons such as ray guns (Read below).
Directed-energy weapon
In addition, the accelerated particle beam collisions by the LHC don’t make antimatter as the movie above showed. Only the powerful electromagnetic acceleration system (magnetic field generator) installed in the LHC can make it.
You need to refer to the incident of the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’ for understanding it. The destroyer Eldridge might change to antimatter due to being exposed to a strong electromagnetic field that the large tesla coil generates and might go into the other universe. Moreover, antimatter can generate strong light but it has no capability to explode as this blog’s posts have argued. I’ve been deceived by the disinformation.
However, swindle Ummites argued that the LHC is a serious threat for humans. If this isn’t false, what threatens us must be the electromagnetic acceleration system of the LHC. Imagine the incident of Eldridge. We should stop this giant useless piece of junk immediately.
See also the symbol ('CERN' in circles is 666) and the objects of CERN below.
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