Thursday, April 28, 2022

Russian invasion of Ukraine is a prelude to World War III

World War III is inevitable in the Human Evolution Event, which results in human mass death and a complete distraction from the current civilization. (Watch the videos below). It is meaningless to discuss good and evil about human rights violations, mass slaughter, and so on in this war. This upcoming war has begun just as it did when World War II arose.


How did Ummite discover 'That world' and 'Network of the soul'? – The principle of telepathy

Why is the standard cosmological model wrong? – Consciousness created the universe

What is ‘conflicts of Consciousness’?

Our soul grows and evolves with reincarnations – disasters and evil are never eliminated

Does the solution to ancient historical mystery make sense?

NASA's Project Blue Beam! - Full Documentary!
About new civilization by new human

Ummites are causing the new coronavirus pandemic

Telepathic attack from the alien Ummite

The intervention of Ummite is for confirmation of the theory

The Messiahs of Aaron and Israel

The Russian invasion of Ukraine would be analogous to the Spanish Civil War before World War II. The civil war was a war between Nationalists supported by Nazi Germany, etc., and Republicans funded by the Soviet Union and others. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a war between Russia supported by China, etc and Ukraine supported by the West, but both wars are ‘match-fixing’ wars provoked by the DS (false Jews).

Putin, a body double, and Zelensky, a false Jew, are commanding the war while being manipulated by the DS. For example, the following posts reveal the truth of this war. Ukrainian troops, not Russian troops, are killing Ukrainian citizens because the DS would want the escalation of the war.

The world's major media under the control of the DS manipulate information, and its information drives the emotions of the sheeple thus the war progresses.

This war could be fought for as long as the Spanish Civil War on the eve of World War II, and would eventually become a full-scale battle between NATO and Russia. Russian troops, which are more vulnerable than expected, will be cornered and will ultimately use their abundant nuclear weapons.

In East Asia, the Second Sino-Japanese War, which was also before World War II, will be reproduced in the same way. Unlike at that time, China is now waging a war on Japan. China will invade Taiwan or the Senkaku Islands. However, despite the brave Chinese Army propaganda, the Chinese military will expose their weakness over the Russian military. 

Eventually, they will have no choice but to use nuclear weapons. In this case, of course, the US-led West will also retaliate with nuclear weapons. It is the complete destruction of the current civilization.

If the above becomes a reality, it is expected that aliens, including Ummites, who are observing human evolution events will intervene. In other words, they will attempt to prevent the danger of human extinction caused by nuclear weapons.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Letter from Jacob Rothschild

COVID-19 vaccines are obviously a tool of the New World Order (NWO). Henry Makow, a famous 'conspiracy theorist', posted the posts below on his website on December 2021. So Jacob Rothschild (assumed to be true) sent a letter to him as a comment on the post. Read the posts below.
Insider Revealed "Vaccine" Genocide Plan in 1981

Jacob Rothschild - "Equality" is the End Game

NOTE: This sentence below, which is pedantic, arrogant, ruthless, and difficult for the reader to understand, seems to have the characteristics written by a psychopath.

Dear Henry,

You are very good at putting your finger on the problem but as you see, this Covid ordeal is a red hot one nurtured by many flames which are global and include the control and regulation of finances, resources, production, consumption, pollution and overpopulation. None of the people heading up institutions directly or indirectly under the control of my family, including the British Crown, the Vatican, the Masons, and the major oligarchs and corporations of the world care what you think or say.

We control the major finances of the world but also your governments, the major media networks, most jobs on the planet, and even the money in your bank accounts. These are the facts which you cannot change.

The Jewish question is a complicated one, and thanks particularly to the influence and persistence of my family, it is generally no longer considered by very many as the “Jewish problem”.

You see Henry you proceed to attack us based on the old and outmoded method of arguing which is with facts and reasons. That is not the way things are done anymore.

People generally like to pretend and generally will believe anything they see most other people believing in or else they simply do what they are led to do by the media and what we want. If someone like you goes against their interests and beliefs, they are likely to discount what you say and completely shut it out of their minds. That is what is happening to you.

If you have moral qualms about people in power misleading the masses, especially misleading and controlling those who have rejected and persecuted your kind, that is your problem and not ours.

If there is a history of mutual exclusion with Christians and other outsiders looking down on your people as some kind of inferior species, or resenting you because of your success which you know full well is based on our tribal solidarity and ability to concentrate and consolidate wealth, power, knowledge and intelligence to dominate so much in the midst of ongoing adversity, then why do you try to reignite the fires of that problem which we in any case are able these days to extinguish as soon as we see a spark? Why do you waste your breath blowing so hard to reignite things with such a wind against you?

Is it because of your high regard for what you claim is the “truth”?

Your words are uttered in another nation in our realm but are published virtually in my own backyard here in England on this site which purports to have a high regard for the truth, albeit of the outmoded kind and with a relatively small, obscure, and scurrilous following. No one of any importance will listen to you. Yet, I feel obliged that on some special occasions, as with this most recent posting of yours, to try to set you straight.


When one has vast power and wealth, you tend to be in control of a great deal, a control which has to be delegated not only to protect your interests from a constant stream of lying courtiers and usurpers, but also you have to delegate that control in order to maintain and at times, to expand your interests.

Furthermore, you find that in maintaining your control there is a tremendous burden of responsibility placed upon you where you have to make decisions to resolve a never ending array of very difficult problems, such as mentioned above – pollution, competition, exploitation, over population, etc.

Jacques Attali is a faithful disciple of our New World Order projects which come down to a global control over many things, with a world government, the means of which unfortunately require those very things your sentiments abhor which is a material leveling for equality and a radical reduction of the population of the world.

Your problem is that very few people with any common sense disagree there are such problems, and it appears that your only complaint comes down to the means we have determined as necessary for these solutions. You are correct in your assertions that many of these problems have been exaggerated and may not even exist at this time.

However, we do plan 50 to 100 years in advance and what we are more concerned about is ensuring that the things we do fear simply do not occur in the future. In this fight as we have to check foreign powers with respect to their grasping of lands and resources, as well as the increasing pollution problems, and we also, and more importantly, have to control the people of our own nations, to stop the grasping, over-consumption, and over reproduction lest they themselves become major problem in the future.

Also, with power and wealth you find out very quickly that when you have these things, it is very difficult to abandon or to share them. Yet, when you do have them you find you are able to increase them while at the same time making things more equal for everyone else under your control, and quelling disputes in the lower levels of your structure.


Henry, I doubt you will understand this or the burden we world leaders have taken upon our shoulders. We have worked exceedingly hard with all heads of state, including the British Crown and the Vatican, as well as the leading families of the world, in carrying out the plans for a new order of world governance to replace borders and national restrictions. We have entered into a vast expansion of world trade and development which needs regulation. If not by our ownership and order then by whose? I ask you.

We see a future world without enough to go around, and therefore we must learn first to control it and then to share what is there as we deem most advantageous to those whom we choose. That is what power is for.

What you are concerned about are the methods we are using to solve these problems, which you say are “totalitarian”, and “communist”. To us those are only abstract words like the words ‘truth’, ‘freedom’, and ‘justice’, and in any crisis people mainly act on emotion and not upon actual fact, critical thinking, and reason.

You are clearly not on our level or for that matter on the same level of the overwhelming majority of people who would not be caught dead reading your postings. You are welcome to your intellectual pride and puffery, but it will make no difference. You have isolated yourself in an outmoded from of communication. Logic and fact even in science has been taken over by whomever or whatever have the controlling interest and all you’re left complaining about are our methods.

Regardless of the substance of the actual problem, as long as the general belief is that it is a serious one, then all that matters is the solution and the cooperation with that solution. We establish the problem and we provide the solutions. It is not fact and reason which ruled the 20th century. It is the use of psychology and that is precisely why you have no real power despite your intellectual and journalistic skills.

You think you can influence people by revealing what you consider to be the truth regarding a pandemic and vaccines used as pretexts, when you do not consider the necessity of solving the greater problems giving rise to the use of such pretexts?

Even Francis at the Vatican knows that the pandemic was necessary. Why do you think such a man, a “communist” as you say, was put in that place at this particular time in history?

Many changes have have to be made in ushering in our new order. Many appointments have had to be made and they are not all Jewish as your writings suggest, although I do wish there were more and that Francis was more Jewish.


Without any worry of causing outrage or reaction to fuel opposition to our plans as expressed in our UN and WEF agendas, let me demonstrate how naïve you are regarding our methods.

The vaccines you mention, you cannot even determine why are they are being forced on the public. Why you wonder, if they are so clearly unnecessary and useless in relation to the virus, which in any case was never a grave threat, or even very much anything more than an overture or an exercise to our culling potentials, would they do this?

Why you ask, are the governments being so draconian in forcing them on the people when they are so clearly dangerous and causing so many deaths and health problems?
Why you ask, have all of the governments under the control of our power structure suppressed the use of the cheap drugs which so effectively cure the virus symptoms, just to make way for the useless and dangerous vaccines?

It is a mystery to you and then you go off into one your conspiracy theories that we are using these vaccines to cull or thin out the human herd. You think that will scare people and wake them up? You keep asking “why?’ like a schoolboy. You think cold hard facts and reason have sway with the public when they believe their governments are caring for them, giving them money, and trying to make them safe.

Henry, it is all psychology and the media, and despite anything I say it will make no difference to the outcome.

Don’t you see that there is something much more important going on here than the actual control potential, or precedent, of people trained to receive yearly vaccines tailored to their special needs and circumstances. If my friend, Jacques, was right about centralized controls and communism, and if with Francis, the idea of “equality” is most central and fundamental to our Agendas and New World Order that when we say that “everyone must be vaccinated” then you see we not only mean it, but what you don’t see is that the “equality” is the very essence of what the entire exercise is all about.

The word “everyone” Henry, is the key. It is the magic word. Everyone must do the same. In all communist nations we have fostered, it is customary that for “equality” for the desired and planned “levelling” in this new order, in order for people to have the same in their needs and wants, everyone has to be psychologically trained to obey the same commands.

In our prodigy nation of modern China, the people had to be cleansed of many of their differences and even such a small thing as everyone having to wear the same uniforms was crucial to instill cultural and material equality, or “sameness”.

Of course the masks are totally useless for the virus unless you have a flu or cold and you sneezed or coughed without a handkerchief. However, it is the obedience and conformity to our top-down commands which is crucial, that “everyone” wear one subject to government mandate or command. It is like a uniform to make everyone “uniform”. It is about instilling a sense of unity, conformity, obedience, and most of all “equality”.

As you must clearly see by now, the vaccines are even more psychologically important in the present program. It is the impulsive and unruly human mind which must be controlled. Francis agrees. The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation – psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental.

Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.

The compliance with the mask like a uniform is hardly even skin deep. It is still external, and at most it is just virtue signalling.

For the New World Order we needed a much deeper and lasting compliance. When the overwhelming majority of the people yield in allowing you to inject into them, a substance which any free and thinking person like yourself would reject and object to, not even knowing what the substances are, but trusting their governments and our media networks, then that is most certainly the most important victory our structure could every hope for.

The psychology is very simple, and I am surprised you missed it for so long. If our governments are successful in inducing or forcing “everyone” to be vaccinated, it matters not what is in the vaccines.

What matters is the sense of conformity, submission, and “equality” which is established, generating a sense of “equality” and trust which is to most people absolutely personal and internal, for what they allow into their bodies, like sex or religious rituals, is very much associated with their minds, and their beliefs which in any case they will already have surrendered, either willingly, or through the force you now see being exercised by various governments around the world.

Whether this conquering of alleged freedom, individual integrity, and personal ownership you so highly prize is to be easy or painful for you, we do not care.

In your efforts to protect your old and failing civilization we are dismantling, we find these means necessary. If people will allow such vaccines to invade their own bodies and their children’s in order to comply and to be the same or “equal” to “everyone” else they most certainly will not object to or oppose their wealth, use of resources and life styles being equalized as well.

In any case, Henry, just think of how influential you could be with all of the dissidents still caught up with the your archaic ways of thinking using rational persuasion and reasoning with people to try to solve problems, when it all can be done with a simple little virus, easy deception, and a little jab here and there.

Jacob Rothschild
Jacob Rothschild - "Equality" is the End Game


According to the article below, In Brazil, a gynecologist had already taken the three doses of Covid-19 vaccine is infected with Covid, influenza, and cold (adenovirus) at the same time. mRNA vaccines destroy our immune system and make us vulnerable to various infections as well as infections associated with HIV.
Exame aponta tripla infecção em paciente: Covid, Influenza e resfriado


National Library of Medicine divulged the documents below. The vaccines are beginning to show the desired effect for NWO.

Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?

Russell L. Blaylock


The ongoing “pandemic” involving the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has several characteristics that make it unique in the history of pandemics. This entails not only the draconian measures that some countries and individual states within the United States and initiated and made policy, most of which are without precedent or scientific support, but also the completely unscientific way the infection has been handled.

For the 1st time in medical history, major experts in virology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, and vaccinology have not only been ignored, but are also demonized, marginalized and in some instances, become the victim of legal measures that can only be characterized as totalitarian.

Discussions involving various scientific opinions have been eliminated, top scientists have been frightened into silence by threats to their careers, physicians have lost their licenses, and the concept of early treatment has been virtually eliminated.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died needlessly as a result of, in my opinion and the opinion of others, poorly designed treatment protocols, mostly stemming from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which have been rigidly enforced among all hospitals.

The economic, psychological, and institutional damage caused by these unscientific policies is virtually unmeasurable. Whole generations of young people will suffer irreparable damage, both physical and psychological, possibly forever. The truth must be told. 

For more information, read Covid-19 pandemic: What is the truth?

Dr. Robert Malone speech during Defeat The Mandates in D.C.: An American Homecoming - Video

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

False Jews dominate the world through ‘Divide and Rule’ / False Jews .... -2 – Videos

If this video is removed, watch the video below


UFO Technology of the Ummites – Video

The Human Evolution Event – Video

May 15 Incident
February 26 Incident
Richard Sorge
Taisho Democracy
Roosevelt’s campaign pledge
Hull note
USS Maine
Operation Vengeance
20 July plot
What Happened to Hitler’s Frozen Sperm
Potsdam Agreement
The mission of Trump-3

If this video is removed, watch the video below


The Human Evolution Event – Video

Watch the video below


How did Ummite discover 'That world' and 'Network of the soul'? – The principle of telepathy

Why is the standard cosmological model wrong? – Consciousness created the universe

What is ‘conflicts of Consciousness’?

Our soul grows and evolves with reincarnations – disasters and evil are never eliminated

Does the solution to ancient historical mystery make sense?

NASA's Project Blue Beam! - Full Documentary!

About new civilization by new human

Ummites are causing the new coronavirus pandemic

Telepathic attack from the alien Ummite

The intervention of Ummite is for confirmation of the theory

The Messiahs of Aaron and Israel

Collapse of the United States

Watch the video below. Links 1. The Upcoming U.S. Eclipse Just Got Even Stranger! | WLT Report 2. SHOCKING! There Were 2 Eclipses 7 Years ...