Regarding the Wuhan virus, there is information that China had developed a new coronavirus as a bio-weapon in the Wuhan Institute of Virology to attack Japanese, who have a receptor of the enzyme ACE2 more than others do. Other Information says that the People's Liberation Army had been executed a bio-attack military drill with its coronavirus in Wuhan.
Moreover, there’s a theory that the Wuhan virus was spread out from the institute by carelessness and the pandemic occurred. However, it may not be a fact because Ummites sent me some information through telepathy.
an Ummite says the U.S. created a base virus of the Wuhan virus. China created the Wuhan virus exploiting it as bio-weapons to attack Japan. By the way, the U.S. had stolen genetic engineering technology from the Ummites more than 60 years ago.
The study below says that the virus infection risk for Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese is 90 to 99%, and for Europeans, its risk is 50 to 59%. This study argues Italian has lowest the risk. This reason is that Europeans, particularly Italian have lesser ACE2. However, right now, the virus is spreading not only in Asian countries but also across the world
Coronavirus risk for Asians, Africans, Caucasians revealed
A Chinese infections disease researcher (read below) at Sun Regen Healthcare AG argues that the virus is created artificially as a biological weapon and its changes. Read also the article below on Mail Online. However, according to the report of Nihon BioData (read below), there are two or more different types of the virus. Therefore, It’s possible that someone spread the virus. That is to say, even Ummites are spreading made in Ummite viruses.
TWO strains of the killer coronavirus are spreading around the world・・・
Genome phylogenetic tree analyses revealed evidence・・・ (in Japanese)
Italy reported the first person infected by a new coronavirus and it has the biggest number of persons infected in European countries. Then, if the virus pandemic is a work of the Ummites, why did they choose Italy? It’s because Italian has the lowest risk and it’s important to be unpredictable.
According to the article below, the first research studies showed that the new coronaviruses bind themselves to human cells using ACE2 receptors. However, according to other several studies, the virus is also able to bind to the GRP78 receptors and others.,-making-it-a-truly-potent-coronavirus-that-is-in-a-league-of-its-own
BREAKING! Preprint Research Shows That SARS-CoV-2 Has Third Binding Mode, Making It A Truly Potent Coronavirus That Is In A League Of Its Own

In Deep
Moreover, the virus needs not only such receptors to enter the cells, but it also needs specific protease for its proliferation. Therefore, we could block it using drugs, for preventing virus infections, but the virus could use at least 8 different proteases such as TMPRSS2, causing an extremely difficult situation for developing drugs or vaccines.

Lab Manager
In addition, even if a few volumes, the virus has strong infectivity and, reinfection could occur. In this case, the mortality rate for the virus becomes higher. It means that Ummites exactly made a perfect bio-weapon.
Ummites are an invader and they are already intervening in the humans (read ‘Coping with the alien inversion’). As well as World War I was influenced by the pandemic (Spanish flu), the new coronavirus pandemic could affect coming to World War III. It’s possible that Ummites are trying to prevent World War III with some intention.
The final purpose of intervention in the humans by the Ummites is that they utilize humans for resolving his stagnated evolution, after the conquest of the humans. However, it would not be for obtaining slaves such as the fantasy of the Anunnaki, but It’s more possible that Ummites utilize us as human guinea pigs.
Circumstantial evidence that Ummites spread new coronavirus – Will World War III be prevented?
Most people would not believe my argument, and honestly, even I wasn't sure yet. On the other hand, now China is condemning the U.S. military for bringing the virus to China and the U.S. is arguing that China was the source of its outbreak, blaming each other (read below).
Commentary: As the US plays the blame game, China steps up its global leadership
Perhaps it would not fake conflict by a scenario of false Jews but rather both countries really believe that the other has caused this disaster. That is what I thought when I read the Japanese blog post of ‘In Deep’, citing the following article of ‘USA TODAY’, which describes the coronavirus have eight different strains.
8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists
According to the chart (see below) of the Japanese blog post above, there were already five strains from the early December stage, and Italian and Iranian strains with the high mortality rate were appearing in early February. It means that there were five (independent) origins. Incidentally, there are all five strains in the U.S.

Circumstantial evidence that Ummites spread new coronavirus – Will World War III be prevented?
Most people would not believe my argument, and honestly, even I wasn't sure yet. On the other hand, now China is condemning the U.S. military for bringing the virus to China and the U.S. is arguing that China was the source of its outbreak, blaming each other (read below).
Commentary: As the US plays the blame game, China steps up its global leadership
Perhaps it would not fake conflict by a scenario of false Jews but rather both countries really believe that the other has caused this disaster. That is what I thought when I read the Japanese blog post of ‘In Deep’, citing the following article of ‘USA TODAY’, which describes the coronavirus have eight different strains.
8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists
According to the chart (see below) of the Japanese blog post above, there were already five strains from the early December stage, and Italian and Iranian strains with the high mortality rate were appearing in early February. It means that there were five (independent) origins. Incidentally, there are all five strains in the U.S.

In addition, according to the following chart in the post below, you can see that China, Thailand, Singapore, and Germany have only ‘Group C’ virus (Wuhan virus) strain and, about South Korea, Vietnam, the UK, and Belgium have only ‘Group B’ strain. Other countries have a mixture of multiple strains and, as already mentioned above, there are all five strains in the U.S.

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Anyway, China created the Wuhan virus as a bio-weapon and it must have been an outbreak, but Wuhan isn’t the only origin of the virus. As it stands, however, no one seems to be able to identify the origin of the new coronavirus. What is even more interesting is that the virus has already spread to Communist Party leaders in China, as well as to soldiers in the People's Liberation Army and the U.S. Navy, and others.
As I've pointed out in previous posts, it's nearly impossible to develop a vaccine or drug to deal with such a wide variety of viruses. This difficulty must be the same for the false Jews. Even if they could escape into an underground silo that was robust enough to withstand nuclear blasts, they would not be able to escape from this virus.
Therefore, it is unlikely that the U.S. or China created this virus and deliberately disseminated it around the world. Either one of the two countries did not cause the pandemic, but we have to think Ummites spread the multiple strains of the coronavirus made by Ummites around the world.
So, as I pointed out in a previous post if Ummites spread the virus to prevent World War III, would there be no war? As mentioned earlier, the virus has begun to infect commanders and soldiers in China and other armies around the world. If the army itself were subject to isolation, it would be difficult to start and continue a conventional war.
However, ‘Monthly China of Meika’ on YouTube rated as highly reliable in its information, claims that the China Communist Party is preparing for war. Moreover, for example, there are class action lawsuits in the U.S. (read below) to claim huge compensation from China for the damage caused by the outbreak of the virus, which would allow the U.S. to confiscate the U.S. Treasury bonds and other Chinese assets.
Coronavirus goes to court: Afterlives and livelihoods come to the lawsuits
Considering China's current situation, it's possible that China would dare to venture out of its plight as well as Japan made the same decision just before the Pacific War. Incidentally, In The Human Evolution Event, the current civilization (the world) must be thoroughly destroyed.
The Spanish Flu would have affected World War I. The difference between the time of World War I and the present is that the U.S. and China have weapons for mass destruction. If viral infections could limit the means of conventional warfare, China might use weapons for mass destruction, namely, nuclear ballistic missiles.
However, Ummites will prevent everyone from using such nuclear weapons, whoever it is. The other possibility is the use of a plasma weapon (read ‘Plasma weapons are used in World War III‘). I’m not sure that Chine has it or not, but If Chine attacks the U.S., the U.S. will use it.
I told you about the situation, which is occurring now based on our current commonsense, but now we must consider it from the truth of our ‘This world’. I have repeatedly mentioned on this blog that our ‘This world’ is virtual reality or an illusion, created by our crowded consciousness. Our bodies are the vehicles of our souls (of illusion) and, our lives and everything is related to them are also an illusion. It’s the same that microscopic organisms such as bacteria and viruses that become pathogens, they are all illusions.
Ummites have intervened in The Human evolution event by creating a new coronavirus as a pathogen that is almost impossible for the current humans to fight. However, this attack of the Ummites can't change our future. This is because the pandemic that is occurring now is nothing but an illusion created by our crowded consciousness.
The virus does not only bring death, but it also gives us the fear of infection and death that can cause us to change our behavior temporarily in ‘This world’. However, death only has a meaning that our souls have completed one experience in ‘This world’. Nobody can annihilate our souls and the crowded consciousness.
Our ‘This world’ on the planet Earth is created by our crowded consciousness, it’s not by ‘This world’ of the Ummites. Even if they intervene in The Human Evolution Event, the will of (our) ‘That world’ and our crowded consciousness can carry out The Human Evolution Event according to its intention, by changing the detailed scenario flexibly. In The Human Evolution event, the intervention with an attack by an outsider such as Ummites does not make sense.
I cannot predict when and how the coronavirus pandemic will end, but World War III will break out unhindered by the Ummites and The Human Evolution Event will be accomplished. Whatever intervention takes place, we must not allow it.