In this post, let me describe new weapons used in the war rather than about its scenario. Such new or secret weapons are with higher technologies than cutting-edge missile systems or stealth technology and so on that military geek talks about it and, have more highly destructive power than nuclear weapons.
It’s neither the laser weapons nor the railgun (read below), which are current military topics, but plasma weapons used in the Gulf War battlefield secretly and human-made UFO was seen in various locations in the world. In addition, the cattle mutilations were an experiment of the U.S. military using plasma (read below).
Laser Weapon System
Cattle Mutilations
In fact, DS uses the plasma weapon, which has more destructive power than conventional nuclear weapons along with nuclear weapons in the war, because DS plans to cause massive death of the humans. The NWO plan, namely, the message of the Georgia Guidestones says, “Maintain humanity under 500.000.000 in perpetual balance with nature”.
The U.S. military not only used illegally depleted uranium weapons but also used secretly high-temperature plasma weapons to kill and burn tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers to ashes (evaporation) instantly – without even remaining skeletons – in the battlefield, according to Ummites. The coalition military, which was not informed of such fact, could strike Iraqi empty combat vehicles easily. Then the U.S. underrepresented and covered up the real body count of Iraqi soldiers.

Now, I’ll talk about the basic technologies of such secret weapons. I already posted ‘The U.S. stole technology of The Ummites’ and ‘Plasma weapon is 10000 times of the atomic bomb power’ for describing on MHD and plasma weapon in 2009. Furthermore, I explained the UFO flight technology of the alien Ummites in the post ‘UFO Technology of the Ummites’.
On the outer hand, the U.S. made UFO ‘TR-3B’ is powered by an antigravity propulsion system or hydrogen-oxygen fuel rocket engines with nuclear power as its thruster, according to some information on the net, and if so, the U.S. made UFO wouldn’t be with an MHD propulsion system that UFOs of aliens have it. Is it true?
UFO Technology of the Ummites -7
For example, a flight by used the antigravity could realize if the TR-3B could go to another universe of the twin universe that the antigravity effect is working and return from there. Then it realizes only this ‘Warp Drive’ process repeated, but critical position control is required also when non-materialized TR-3B in the ‘Warp’ process begins its re-materialized (read below). However, U.S. (humans) doesn’t obtain such high-tech yet.
‘God particle’ is only a state of ‘Superball’
In the rocket engine case, even though SpaceX can put its rocket recycling technology to practical use, it would be super difficult to realize incredible high-speed UFO movement with a conventional rocket engine control system (read below).
SpaceX Postpones Historic Rocket Recycling Test
Therefore, the antigravity propulsion system and the rocket engines with the nuclear power system above must be disinformation.
The TR-3B's propulsion system would not be an MHD propulsion system as well as the UFO has. It may be using a plasma jet engine (read below), which does not use fluid control by solenoids. It probably is controlled by a technique like a missile kinetic warhead (watch the video below).
Wait, Could Plasma Thrusters Really Replace Jet Engines?
Kinetic warhead
It means that compressed air and microwaves are generated using the power of a small nuclear power generator, and the plasma jets generated by the compressed air and microwaves are exhausted to the multiple axes exhaust ports on the TR-3B. According to the video above, there are four circular lights like a plasma jet at the bottom of the TR-3B (about the ‘Rocket Engines’ in the above figure, they are probably not rocket engines, which use hydrogen and oxygen fuel). According to the above figure, there are vectored exhausts on the rear side of the triangle in the direction of the forward. If these plasma jets could be controlled like the kinetic warheads, it would be possible to make a UFO-like fly at high speed.
Well, an issue that is more serious is the plasma weapon, but it wouldn’t be such an inferior copy UFO. The plasma weapon used in the Gulf War changes instantly many Iraqi soldiers into ashes with high temperatures. This weapon of massive destruction doesn’t cause troublesome radiation contamination as nuclear weapons have.
In addition, the plasma bomb dropped on Jupiter is equal to one million megatons of nuclear weapons, and the magnitude of the explosion was bigger than Earth-size. If it would be used accidentally, humans and Earth would be at great risk of instant extinction as Ummites argue.
Picatinny engineers set phasers to ‘fry’
An Ummite affirms facts, not only the cattle mutilations but also the abductions, the incidents provoked by aliens particularly in Brazil (watch the video below), and so on, were frame-up of the MJ-12 (read ‘The Majestic 12’ below). Alien Grey’s cooperation such as the construction of the human-made UFO (TR-3B: read below) was disinformation of U.S. intelligence such as the CIA. They have been blaming Grey to cover up such experiments.
The Majestic 12
The Triangle UFOs, UFO Casebook Research
Incidentally, higher technologies such as laser, microprocessors, fiber optics, infrared vision apparatus, super-tenacity fibers, etc. are results of reverse engineering from the alien Grey’s crashed UFO at Roswell. Watch the video below.
Now, I’ll talk about the basic technologies of such secret weapons. I already posted ‘The U.S. stole technology of The Ummites’ and ‘Plasma weapon is 10000 times of the atomic bomb power’ for describing on MHD and plasma weapon in 2009. Furthermore, I explained the UFO flight technology of the alien Ummites in the post ‘UFO Technology of the Ummites’.
On the outer hand, the U.S. made UFO ‘TR-3B’ is powered by an antigravity propulsion system or hydrogen-oxygen fuel rocket engines with nuclear power as its thruster, according to some information on the net, and if so, the U.S. made UFO wouldn’t be with an MHD propulsion system that UFOs of aliens have it. Is it true?
UFO Technology of the Ummites -7
For example, a flight by used the antigravity could realize if the TR-3B could go to another universe of the twin universe that the antigravity effect is working and return from there. Then it realizes only this ‘Warp Drive’ process repeated, but critical position control is required also when non-materialized TR-3B in the ‘Warp’ process begins its re-materialized (read below). However, U.S. (humans) doesn’t obtain such high-tech yet.
‘God particle’ is only a state of ‘Superball’
In the rocket engine case, even though SpaceX can put its rocket recycling technology to practical use, it would be super difficult to realize incredible high-speed UFO movement with a conventional rocket engine control system (read below).
SpaceX Postpones Historic Rocket Recycling Test
Therefore, the antigravity propulsion system and the rocket engines with the nuclear power system above must be disinformation.
The TR-3B's propulsion system would not be an MHD propulsion system as well as the UFO has. It may be using a plasma jet engine (read below), which does not use fluid control by solenoids. It probably is controlled by a technique like a missile kinetic warhead (watch the video below).
Wait, Could Plasma Thrusters Really Replace Jet Engines?
Kinetic warhead
It means that compressed air and microwaves are generated using the power of a small nuclear power generator, and the plasma jets generated by the compressed air and microwaves are exhausted to the multiple axes exhaust ports on the TR-3B. According to the video above, there are four circular lights like a plasma jet at the bottom of the TR-3B (about the ‘Rocket Engines’ in the above figure, they are probably not rocket engines, which use hydrogen and oxygen fuel). According to the above figure, there are vectored exhausts on the rear side of the triangle in the direction of the forward. If these plasma jets could be controlled like the kinetic warheads, it would be possible to make a UFO-like fly at high speed.
Well, an issue that is more serious is the plasma weapon, but it wouldn’t be such an inferior copy UFO. The plasma weapon used in the Gulf War changes instantly many Iraqi soldiers into ashes with high temperatures. This weapon of massive destruction doesn’t cause troublesome radiation contamination as nuclear weapons have.
In addition, the plasma bomb dropped on Jupiter is equal to one million megatons of nuclear weapons, and the magnitude of the explosion was bigger than Earth-size. If it would be used accidentally, humans and Earth would be at great risk of instant extinction as Ummites argue.
Picatinny engineers set phasers to ‘fry’
An Ummite affirms facts, not only the cattle mutilations but also the abductions, the incidents provoked by aliens particularly in Brazil (watch the video below), and so on, were frame-up of the MJ-12 (read ‘The Majestic 12’ below). Alien Grey’s cooperation such as the construction of the human-made UFO (TR-3B: read below) was disinformation of U.S. intelligence such as the CIA. They have been blaming Grey to cover up such experiments.
The Majestic 12
The Triangle UFOs, UFO Casebook Research
Incidentally, higher technologies such as laser, microprocessors, fiber optics, infrared vision apparatus, super-tenacity fibers, etc. are results of reverse engineering from the alien Grey’s crashed UFO at Roswell. Watch the video below.